Dixie Ann is an accountant by profession, but a writer by passion. She inherited her love for novels from her mother and will always choose a good book over most things. She met Everard in 2007 and their coming together encouraged her to translate her passion for reading into writing her own stories. She has not looked back since. Her ideas are essential to the creative process of all projects that come out of GemGfx. She also is teaching herself 3D modeling and has created many 3D assets for GemGfx projects.


Everard has always had a passion for comics and animation. Thanks to his mother's wisdom, who saw the creativity in him and nurtured it, Everard became a professional graphic designer. When he met Dixie Ann, he was inspired to revisit his childhood passions. Being a child of the 80s, he taught himself traditional 2D animation so that they could tell their stories with animation as the main vehicle.