I’ve been involved in the field of Graphic Design for 16 years. I love the profession because it allows me to exercise my creativity to make a living. I’ve worked on some fantastic projects over the years and gained a great deal of experience. While I am grateful for the wonderful creative experiences, I’ve now come to the point in my life where I want to shift my focus and work on the thing that I’ve always wanted to do. Tell stories.
I’ve told the story before. I grew up on comics and animation of the 80s. When I was a little boy I used to run home from school and make sure that I was in front of the TV when Thundercats came on. Even back then I wanted to create comics and animation but I did not have the means nor the opportunity. Things are different today.
In 2014 we started a journey when my wife and I created and published our first comic Celflux. Since then we have begun working on it as an animated series. The journey has been tough but we have enjoyed it every step of the way. I had to teach myself how to animate in order to work on it.

We are also now working on a second animated series called The God of The Wilderness. It’s the story of an ambitious farm boy who gets more than he bargained for after turning his back on the life he knows to fulfil his dreams. Nabu is a teenager with dreams of success and one wrong choice changes his life forever. Check out the poster and teaser trailer.

Changing Focus
To say that 2020 so far has been an interesting year would be an understatement. The world is changing dramatically in real-time and rapidly. Many people, including myself, are taking stock of their life and focusing on what’s really important. Now is the time to visit your bucket list and start checking the items off. High up on my bucket list is that I’ve always wanted to tell stories with comics and animation. In particular animation.
So I’ve decided to reduce the amount of graphic design work that I do and focus more on animation. To mark the occasion, we’ll be changing the name of GemGfx to GemGfx – Animation Studios. A totally symbolic gesture to send the message of what the core work of GemGfx will now be. I’ll still be doing graphic design work for some of my core clients and we’ll still have our free resources available such as the PSD mockups. But most of our time will now be consumed with creating animation and comics to tell our stories. It’s not that we’re going to be offering animation services either. GemGfx’s animation work will be limited to the stories we create.

So here’s to another leg of this creative journey. Be on the lookout for great stories coming out of our camp. We encourage everyone to follow your dreams as we pursue ours.
Till Next Time.
Everard McBain
Everard is the Creative Director and CEO of GemGfx. GemGfx is a multidisciplinary design consultancy based in Trinidad and Tobago. He has been involved in the field of Graphic Design for over 14 years.
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